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Where life and creativity intersect

Most of us live in two worlds, one where we do all the adult things required of us, and the other where we get lost in whatever hobbie or creative pursuit it is which engages us and brings us to our happy place. I pursued my "happy place" as a career (as dictated by the follow-your-dreams ethos of the millenial generation) and although I am very happy with where I am now, it has taken a lot of struggling to accept that even a fashion designer has a lot of paperwork and boring office shit to do at their day job...or at least when you are on the bottom rung of the ladder of a large company.

I have been trying to find time to get to that happy place, where I get to be lost in my own thoughts while sketching or bringing a design to life. I havent sketched, pattern drafted, and sewn my own design in almost two years...or is it three? My creative brain was withering under all the stress of my day job, freelance work, and a few other responsibilites.

This past week after getting my car broken into, followed by a series of unfortunate events including my battery dying, getting rear ended, and having a big freelance deadline, I had enough. I made the choice that for my mental health I had to change things around. Ive already felt the benefits and feel like I am breathing again for the first time in months! I am excited to write more on the blog and include more of my creative side in the content, such as sketches and designs. So I hope you are excited to follow me along as I continue indulging my creative side and hopefully making my own mark on the fashion world! <3

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