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The Unexpected Pair

I was having one of those "I have nothing to weaaaarrrrrrrrr" moments infront of my closet just minutes before I was supposed to leave to head out to a comedy show here in West Hollywood. I wanted cute and girly, but not too fancy. I wanted something that felt "me"...but not "at work" me. I feel like my work clothes have taken over my closet!

After digging through and putting on and ripping off at least three outfits and feeling very blahhhh. I figured I had to do something different. I pulled my white lacey tunic out - an undyed sample garment I had gotten from work when they were cleaning out the sample racks. I wanted to wear it, but even with a slip underneath it felt a bit bare. Suddenly I remembered a gift from my mom a few months ago- a vintage short kimono in a beautiful floral print. I threw them together and finally felt like I looked cute, but weird enough for my liking!

This vintage kimono is so beautiful, I felt honored to wear it! The authentic ones are lined and made of heavy silk, so they are the perfect weight for a cool late summer evening!

So the moral of the story is, when you are feeling frustrated with your closet, go in the opposite direction you usually do. Find two pieces that you dont think quite work, put them on and see what happens! I find that I usually get the most compliments on my outfits when I am wearing an outfit that borders on weird and unexpected!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to their long labor day weekend! <3


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